Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Judging me, judging you.

Dear oh dear. The headings are getting worse, but at least this one has a vague link to this post.

I had a bit of a revelation in the shower this evening. I was thinking about this place, and what it's purpose was. So far I have whittered on for nearly two weeks about nothing in particular. After all, do you really care about my bus journey to work?

I've decided to start posting something important to me. My daily relationship with Jesus Christ, and the spiritual battles I am encountering.

Here are some reasons for NOT doing this.

  • I am 'more' than a Christian.
  • Christians can be incredibly annoying.
  • You are not the slightest bit interested.
  • You actually want to hear about my bus rides.

I am too tired to explain these points, you'll just have to check back tomorrow!


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