Fiftieth class post.
Hello fans.
According to my statistics department, this is my 50th post.
I think that's approximately 1 post every 8.2 days since I started this blog. I'll have the guys from 'stats' check this figure.
I must say, that's a better average than I was expecting.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my loyal readers, and I hope my next 50 posts are as successful as the first 50. (What am I talking about?)
Your countless* comments have been a real inspiration, and I always look forward to checking, and then rechecking (sometimes as much as 20 times a day) the number of hits on my site meter. I do this by hitting the refresh button.
I would also like to thank my sponsors, without whom I could never 'live the dream' of blogging. - for hosting this site, - for counting each one of my visitors by hand, and - for enhancing the natural beauty of my hair.
Feel free to leave a congratulatory comment today if you like.
Have a Happy Valentines day!
I love you all,
*Countless as in - "I cannot be bothered to scroll through several pages to count the number of comments. My guess is somewhere between 3 and 6."
Congrats on the fiftieth post thing.
You are a very interesting person. Or an interesting blogger, anyway. I don't even know you. You could be the most boring person in the world. BUT your blog is interesting. I don't know how inspiring of a comment that was, but c'est la vie.
Happy Unvalentine's Day!
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