"To be." or not "To be".
Hello fans.
Today has been pretty cool. I didn't really do much, but it was still cool.
I caught up with three friends (via phone or text) and I went to church for the first time in a couple of weeks. I felt pretty loved while I was there, which is what Christians are meant to do - Demonstrate love!
I asked for prayer for my wrist, which was a big step for me. I was shaking before I went up (nerves rather than religious hysteria). I explained to James the Vicar that I would like to be healed without an operation! I also explained that my non-healing didn't really make sense to me. If God loves me, and He could heal me, then why doesn't He?
"He doesn't exist"! I hear you cry.
"Shut up you bunch of uneducated heathens". I reply.
With love in Christ, Rob.
P.S. Does anyone know if my punctuation should be included within the speech marks, or without?
E.g. "Shut up." or "Shut up".
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