A pretty rubbish day.
I went to see a specialist at the Fracture Clinic today, and he gave me some fairly bad news.
I have definitely fractured my scaphoid bone, and because nothing (worthwhile) has been done to it since I injured it in January, the bone has started to die back around the fracture. This means that even if it was set in plaster, it wouldn't heal because the bone is dead.
The Doctor (or Mister as specialists are addressed) explained that I would need an operation. This would involve removing the dead bone, and then grafting some new bone in it's place. The new stuff will either be taken from my wrist, or an area around my hip. Once this has been done, a screw will be inserted through all the bits to hold them in place, and after that, I will need to have my arm set in plaster for three months!
This was in no way the news I was hoping for, and as I walked back to work, I felt thoroughly ****ed off - Almost on the verge of crying. The three main reasons for feeling this way were:
- I am a 25 year old man in the prime of life (!), who's wrist will probably never be able to function as well as it did.
- This could all have been avoided if it had been x-rayed and plastered at the time.
- I believe God created me just the way he wanted, and humans attempts to recreate perfection are never as good.*
I could have dwelt on all these negative things, but what is the point? What's past is past and there's not much I can do about it.
*I honestly believe whoever you are, and whatever problems you have (physical / emotional / mental / spiritual etc.), God created you in His image, and He loves you unconditionally. Once you get your head around the fact that the creator of the universe cares about you personally, even though you are only a minute speck in the overall picture, it will blow your mind.
That being said, I'm not going to pretend I can see much good coming out of this. You well not find me saying "Praise the Lord, at least I have my left wrist"!
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