Friday, September 02, 2005

A 63.3% slap in the face.

Hello fans!

Let me begin by telling you what I have been up to today. The main event was catching the bus into town. Even more exciting than that I signed up at Office Angels recruitment agency. I should be starting back at my old job the Monday after next.

Am I excited? Not particularly. Of course I am looking forward to seeing (most of) the guys again, and the cash should come in handy but the job did have some bad points too. As I haven't been employed since February, I hope it won't be too much of a shock.

When I signed up to the agency I had to complete three tests. Maths (calculators allowed), data entry speed and spelling. I got 100% in maths, an average speed for data entry but only 63.3% for spelling.

I couldn't believe it. Am I reely that bad? I think drastic action may be required. I should probably try to learn five new words a day or something.

My thoughts on death will be ready for posting tomorrow. Should you hold out too much hope? No.

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