Shot to bits.
The last couple of days have been pretty weird for me. I have spent most of the time in my room playing Empire Earth. It's a strategy game I borrowed from a friend. Unfortunately it isn't the real world, and in that I have achieved nothing at all.
Any relationships have gone out the window, and so have priorities. The weather has been great, but I am stuck inside with red eyes and a pasty (pronounced pace-tea meaning white, not pas-tea meaning a type of pie) complexion.
My advice would be - Computers are alright for a bit, but when they start taking over your life, give it up!
In other news... I fell on my wrist while ice skating in January. After going to the doctors twice - once straight after the fall, and once a couple of months later - they suggested physiotherapy. After three sessions I was referred back to my GP. He then sent me for an x-ray, and next Wednesday I've got an appointment at the fracture clinic.
It is possible that I have had a fractured scaphoid bone for over eight months, without being treated once. If true, this will make me ROCK HARD!
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